Thursday, May 10, 2012

Author's Purpose Question

Emma Clayton's purpose in writing the Roar is to educate society and persuade society to start thinking about Earth so we won't pollute the whole world and make the human race not be able to live sense the oxygen is always going to be toxic or bad for anything. I can tell that she adds the part when Mika goes over the Wall and sees that his whole life he has been lied to because the animals aren't all dead, the animals aren't killers, and that people do live on the other side of the Wall. With him noticing these lies he also notices that what he was taught about how a lot of the world had chopped most of their forests down; now most of the land is full of lush, tall, and healthy trees. This backs up her purpose because she says many times that the world has lost all of its necessities for basic life and our age doesn't do anything to stop the bad things we are doing to the world, the life of how Mika and Audrey and the characters in the Roar could possibly be how we live in out later years. 

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